Treatment for Neck Pain and Problems
Many people experience neck pain or a stiff neck at some point. Neck pain or stiffness can have various causes, such as working on a computer, poor posture or an injury. Usually, at-home treatments, like ice, rest, pain medicine and gentle stretching, can relieve neck pain.
When neck pain and stiffness are severe or last more than a few days, it is a good idea to have it checked out. You can count on the expertise of our orthopedic specialists. We treat a full range of neck conditions — from everyday strains to complex neck disorders requiring expert treatment.
What Causes Neck Conditions?
Neck disorders and pain may be caused by:
- Age-related wearing of joint cartilage
- Diseases such as spinal meningitis, cancer, cervical (neck) osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
- Muscle strains from repetitive movements or holding the same position for hours, such as while driving, sleeping or working on a computer
- Problems with spinal vertebrae (bones), which can compress spinal nerves
- Stress, which can cause you to tense your neck muscles
When to See Your Doctor for Neck Pain
When your neck hurts, you may also experience muscle spasms, tightness or difficulty turning your head. See your doctor right away, if you have neck pain after a car accident or another traumatic injury, such as a hard hit to your head or neck.
You should also seek medical care right away, if your pain:
- Is severe or comes with a headache, weakness or numbness or tingling in your arms or legs
- Lasts for several days without getting better
- Spreads down your arms or legs
Neck Pain Treatments We Offer
For mild and moderate pain, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory medicines may be all you need to relieve your pain. Gentle massage and applying heat to your neck may also help relieve symptoms.
Other common neck pain treatments we offer include:
- Neck support – Wearable neck braces can take pressure off your neck muscles. Doctors usually recommend wearing one for only a few hours a day for up to two weeks — wearing them for longer can weaken your neck muscles.
- Neck surgery – Typically, surgery is not necessary for most neck pain. But, our doctors may recommend surgery, if your spinal vertebrae have shifted out of place.
- Pain management therapies – Various therapies can help relieve neck pain — from acupuncture and biofeedback to steroid injections.
- Physical therapy – Our physical therapists can help improve your posture, provide neck stretches and strength-building exercises, and use pain management therapies, such as ice, heat and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) — a device that applies low-voltage electric currents to the skin to relieve pain.
We develop a treatment plan to relieve your neck pain as quickly as possible. You work with a team committed to helping you feel your best.
Relief from Neck Pain
You get personal attention and a treatment plan that gives you the best possible results.
We bring together doctors, physical therapists and pain management specialists to give you complete care — from diagnosis and treatment to recovery and beyond.
Our orthopedic specialists have decades of experience providing exceptional care.
You work with trusted experts and physicians named “Top Doctors” by Los Angeles magazine and Pasadena magazine.