
Forgetfulness: What’s Normal, What’s Not

How well do you remember what you did last week? Memory loss is not always a sign of aging. Learn…

The Importance of Diagnosing Early Dementia

When the behavior of someone close to you changes, finding out what the underlying cause is can seem daunting. A…

Is Your Ramen Ruining Your Health?

Noodling over ramen is more than a bad fast-food habit — it’s a potential health hazard. Cheap, quick and easy…

10 Preparation Tips for Running a Marathon

With marathon season just around the corner, it’s a good idea to review some basic training tips that can benefit…

Position Yourself for Sound Sleep With Back Pain

Raymond Jonathan Hah, MD, and Christopher C. Ornelas, MD, orthopedic surgeons at Keck Medicine of USC, reveal the best sleep…

When Should You See a Doctor About Your Headache?

It’s been days and what you thought was a regular tension headache hasn’t gone away. Is it time to go…

Is Your Skin Rash a Sign of Something More Serious?

Do you have a rash? Know the difference between common conditions and when it could signal a more serious health…

What Blood in Your Urine Could Mean

Finding blood in your urine can be a stressful experience. Here’s why it happens and what you should do. There…

Can You Prevent Strep Throat?

Winter is coming — and so is the painful infection known as strep throat. Here are some recommendations to keep…

The Top 5 Basketball Injuries That Ended Players’ Careers

Even if you’re not a pro baller, take precautions to avoid damage, while on the court. You might not think…

Do I Need Surgery for My Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If the pain has become unbearable and no therapeutic or medical treatments have worked, it might be time to consider…

What’s the Difference Between a Cold, Bronchitis and Pneumonia?

Sniffling. Coughing. Maybe a fever. Whatever it is, you feel miserable. But is it just a cold — or something…