
June Is Cataract Awareness Month

It may come as a surprise to many that among all of the blinding conditions that exist, cataracts are the…

Your Body at 50

Your 50s might bring some changes in your body — here’s how to handle what’s in store. We’ve all heard…

4 Hidden Risks for Lung Cancer

Most people associate lung cancer with smoking, but the fact that you don’t smoke doesn’t mean you’re not at risk…

Warning Signs of a Ministroke

Patients must treat ministroke symptoms seriously because they often precede a stroke. The term “ministroke” may not sound like too…

A Racing Pulse: How Fast Is Too Fast?

If your heart is beating so fast it feels like it’s about to burst, you could have a serious condition…

3 Signs You Might Have a Hernia

It’s important to catch a hernia before it causes problems. These signs will help you know what to look for.…

How Dangerous Is Secondhand Smoke?

Passive smoking can be more damaging to your health than you might think. Considering the clear risks associated with smoking,…

What You Need to Know About Diverticulitis

Pain in your lower left abdomen is a hallmark of this surprisingly common condition. If you’re 40 or older, there’s…

Do Vitamin D Supplements Really Improve Your Health?

Can vitamin D supplements prevent cancer, protect your heart and step up physical performance? Read on to see what science…

Achy Back? You May Be Sitting Too Much

Sitting for hours on end can be a part of modern life, but sometimes, it can lead to back problems.…

What Causes an Enlarged Heart?

An enlarged heart isn’t a condition in itself — it’s a symptom caused by different cardiovascular issues. Having a big…

What Can Cause a Loss of Taste and Smell?

Several viruses and health conditions, including COVID-19, could be the reason for your loss of taste and smell. A bouquet…