
Common Questions About the Common Cold

The average adult can have two to three colds per year, but is there anything you can do to make…

7 Symptoms That Can Be Caused by Stress

The effects of stress on the body can range from temporary nuisances to long-term negative consequences. Learn what to be…

6 Things to Know about Pneumonia

From walking pneumonia to COVID-19 pneumonia, here are some key facts about this potentially serious condition. When you’re sick, it…

Robotic Surgery Relieves Patient's Pelvic Pain

Suffering from a painful yet often misunderstood pelvic disorder, Nathreen Bonnet found healing through an advanced, highly precise surgical procedure…

4 Tips to Help You Add Meal Planning Into Your Cooking Routine

Michelle Smith, RD, CSOWM, and Rachel Keller, MS, RD, registered dietitians for the bariatric surgery program at Keck Medicine of…

Heart Attack Leads to Colon Cancer Diagnosis

José Aguiar was already experiencing serious symptoms in his heart, foot and endocrine system when doctors found a mass in…

An Advanced Procedure to Fix Irregular Heartbeat

With the help of an innovative treatment and the expertise of Ivan Ho, MD, at the USC Cardiac and Vascular…

10 Things to Know About Sinusitis

The pain and pressure of a sinus infection is nothing to sneeze at. Here’s how to know if you have…

7 Reasons You Might Have Diarrhea

From viruses to lactose intolerance, there are a number of causes that might be behind this unpleasant symptom. Most people…

Meet Annie Yessaian, MD

Dr. Yessaian is a gynecological oncologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in the surgical and medical treatment of…

What You Should Know About Skin Cancer

About 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer. Find out the facts about this common disease. Skin cancer is…

Meet Greg R. Angstreich, MD

Dr. Angstreich is a medical oncologist and hematologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in the treatment of all…