Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation

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Revisional Surgery

What is it?

A revision of weight-loss surgery is done on a patient who underwent weight loss surgery, including lap band, duodenal switch, sleeve and gastric bypass, and may be experiencing a variety of symptoms or complications after the operation.

Why is a revisional surgery sometimes necessary?

Some of the symptoms go away with simple medical measures, but others will persist and become even worse over time. These symptoms can include vomiting, heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation of food, constant abdominal pain, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Other symptoms can include excessive weight loss and inability to maintain a stable and reasonable weight, poor or no weight loss, and even weight regain. Vitamin and protein deficiency could be another cause for concern and need for revision.

Have questions? Our team is here for you. Request an appointment, call us at (800) USC-CARE (800-872-2273) and register to attend one of our weight loss seminars.

Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation

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